Monday, February 25, 2013

Transfer from Ministry Hacker: Learn History!

If you're like me, you might feel like you've been somewhat cheated by the American public school system when it comes to a firm understanding of U.S. and World History (or at least you might not remember things as you would like). As I get older, my appreciation for history increases which in turn increases my interest in the subject.  The problem is, life is so busy that it would be hard to take time to study history formally (at the expense of other, more pressing life pursuits).  Thankfully, I think I have found something to scratch my itch.

I discovered this website through the blog of a Humanities professor at Faulkner University (Jason Jewell).  It's called "Liberty Classroom".  The site offers online classes (not for credit, self-study) that basically give a "NON-politically correct" take on history.  Here is a blurb about what they are about from their website:
Most of us learned politically correct U.S. history in school. The economics was at least as bad.
It's never too late to learn the truth.

At Liberty Classroom, you can learn real U.S. history, Western civilization, and free-market economics from professors you can trust.

Short on time? No problem. You can learn in your car.

Got questions about what you're learning? Get them answered in our discussion forums.

Plus monthly live sessions, recommended readings, optional quizzes, and, coming soon, even more courses.
The professors are legitimate.  Dr. Jewell is one of the teachers, and the man who founded it holds a Ph.d from Columbia University in New York.  The courses they presently offer are as follows:
Introduction to Logic
U.S. History to 1877
U.S. History from 1877
Western Civilization to AD 1500
Western Civilization from AD 1500
Austrian Economics Step by Step
I know this may not seem to have a lot to do with "practical ministry", but I believe a well-rounded education and knowledge of history serves a preacher well for a variety of reasons.  This is a practical, economical way to learn or brush up on history and other subjects.

For about the price of one movie ticket ($8) per month, this program is a bargain for what you get.

Check it out, they have free samplings of their classes:

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